Sugarfree challenge

The summer is now far behind us, the leaves are falling, and the days are getting shorter and colder. Sometimes, this comes with energy dips and gloomy feelings. By giving the right attention to your body, food, and mind, you can stay positive and energetic. Sugarfree is the autumn challenge at bbb health boutique. This challenge focuses on sugar-free eating, varied workouts, and good sleep. For four weeks, we will live sugar- and alcohol-free for a healthier and fitter body, while also making it a habit to get to bed early. Variety is key, both in your diet and exercise routine. Give your energy and mindset a positive boost by joining the Sugarfree challenge.

When: This challenge lasts for four weeks, from November 4th to December 1st. You can also choose to participate in part of the challenge.

Body: Stay fit this season by exercising at least three times a week. Add variety with hot cabin sessions and group classes in the studio. Step out of your comfort zone and try a different class than usual. Mix it up and experiment!

Food: This challenge focuses on sugar-free eating. Become more mindful and expand your knowledge about sugar. To help you on your way, you’ll find delicious sugar-free recipes in this guide.

Mind: We challenge you to get to bed on time during this challenge. A good night’s sleep will keep you energized for both exercise and healthy eating. In the guide, you’ll find tips for better sleep and information on yoga nidra to help you relax and rest well.

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