be balance
Balance is the most important thing with this foundation! Balanced movement, eating and ensuring the right balance between effort and relaxation.
Plan body | be balance
- Personal workout of choice in the hot cabin. | 2 or 3 times a week.
- Use the strength corner and/or trx and/or cardio. | 2 or 3 times a week.
- Intensive cabin, studio or outdoor class. Vinyasa yoga is a good class in which to find balance. | 1 or 2 times a week.
- Yin or restorative yoga. | 1 – 3 times a week
- Plan a body coaching in to discuss your personal sport plan.
Frequency of exercise and tips
Exercise 2 to 4 times a week short & intensive. Be careful that classes aren’t too exhausting. Plan 48 hours of rest in between intensive trainings
Plan food | be balance
- Basic nutrition | Inspiration and Preference list | A good foundation, inspiration and variety is important.
- Back in balance | If a slow working thyroid gland is a possibility then gluten/ dairy free eating can have a very positive effect.
- Plan a foodcoaching in to discuss your food diary
Preferably not
Coffee, raw cabbage sorts, peanuts, raw pine nuts and unfermented soya (tofu, tahoe, soya milk)
Nutritious eating including fibres. Nutritional fibres can be mainly found in vegetables, fruit and whole wheat products. Sea vegetables and nuts (rich in selenium) are examples of nourishing nutrition.
plan mind | be balance
- Mindful living | Stress has a negative influence on the thyroid gland.
- Meditation | meditate before going to sleep and shortly after waking up.
- Plan a lifestylecoaching in to discuss your mind goals.
Ensure that you don’t have a lot of stress and enough rest. Sleep at least eight hours a night in a darkened bedroom and avoid screens before going to sleep. Go to bed before 11 pm.