How do you recover faster from Corona?

Most people who have contracted the coronavirus experience only mild or almost no symptoms. However, this infection can unfortunately be accompanied by persistent or long-lasting symptoms. This is also known as long COVID (long COVID) or post-COVID syndrome.

For example, you can suffer from persistent fatigue, loss of concentration, depressed feeling, shortness of breath / tightness, tired muscles and sleeping problems. But how do you recover faster from Corona? A good diet, sufficient exercise and sleep can already help. 

If you have had corona, it is possible that the lung function has become less. Loss of muscle strength per day occurs in about 1 to 5 percent of cases. Therefore, the recovery must be built up slowly.



If you have had corona, it is possible that the lung function has become less. Loss of muscle strength per day occurs in about 1 to 5 percent of cases. Therefore, the recovery must be built up slowly. For example, go for a daily walk or bike ride. The forest has a positive influence on the immune system and lung function. To exercise more, you can also plan body coaching at bbb. During the coaching we gradually build up more intensive moments of movement in or outside the cabin. Of course, the balance of the load and the load capacity is taken into account.

How do you recover faster from corona with an energy shortage? 

If you have been seriously ill, your body needs sufficient building materials to be able to recover. Proteins are especially important in recovery. Proteins are an important building block for our body. If you have a lot of energy deficiency, the muscles are first used as an energy source. When you are sick you need more energy to recover, but often you have a low energy intake, which causes an energy shortage.

Because the body uses your muscles as an energy source, your muscles break down, as it were. As a result, you may often have less energy after you have been sick. The body needs nutrients and time to recover from corona.

A good diet is a solution

Nutrients are best obtained from unprocessed food. Unprocessed foods often contain fiber naturally. Fibers are beneficial for a good intestinal function, which in turn supports the immune system. Below is a description of which food you can choose best to optimize your recovery. In a recovery period, your body therefore needs more calories (about 150 kcal more) and proteins (1.2 to 1.7 grams of protein per kg of body weight). In short, feed your body.

Nutrients are best obtained from unprocessed food. Unprocessed foods often contain fiber naturally.

By eating and drinking this you recover faster from corona

  • Eat at least 300 grams of vegetables, stir-fried, fried or steamed. Preferably fresh or from the freezer. This is important for the soluble fiber and antioxidants. With an extra focus on green leafy vegetables because of the liver-supporting function and calcium.
  • Eat at least 2 pieces of fresh fruit for the antioxidants, vitamins and soluble fiber.
  • Opt for whole grains for the insoluble fiber. These fibers stimulate the intestine so that the whole can be digested and kneaded and is pushed forward into the intestines. Think of oats, spelled, buckwheat, quinoa, brown rice, black rice.
  • Take unsweetened, plant-based dairy, preferably enriched with B12. Preferably choose soy if you need calcium, oats/rice/coconut contain no calcium. If you get a lot of calcium from, for example, green leafy vegetables and legumes, oats / rice / coconut is also fine.
  • Don’t you eat fish? Then algae oil can help to get the essential fatty acids.
  • Grab legumes for calcium, a good plant source of protein and fiber.
  • Take a handful of nuts, kernels and seeds daily for the essential fatty acids. This can also be in the form of 100% nut pastes or products such as tahini.
  • Take legumes at least once a week in combination with grains or pulled oats to recover faster from corona.
  • Drink plenty of water and (herbal) tea without sugar.

Restore your biorhythm

Finally, it is important to restore your biorhythm. An optimal biorhythm is important for good health and a faster recovery from corona. By going to bed and getting up at a fixed time, your body gets used to a rhythm. The body reacts to daylight and signals when we should get up and go back to sleep. If this rhythm is disturbed, this has both physical and mental consequences. A good biorhythm improves the sleep pattern and thus the brain function, the functioning of the metabolism and the immune system.

This is how you restore your biorhythm

  • How do you recover faster from corona?Take enough relaxation during the day by taking a yoga class, for example. Also make sure you get enough rest before going to sleep. So put your mobile away when you go to bed and read a book, for example.
  • Go to bed at set times and get up at set times.
  • Use blue light filter glasses or put your screen on night mode.
  • Do not drink caffeine or alcohol and do not smoke nicotine.

These handy articles can also help you with the question ‘how do you recover faster from corona’: no energy and tired en working out and immunity.


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