Stay fit: the best sports for 50-plus individuals

As you get older, your desire to exercise may decrease. You might have less energy and sometimes feel less well. That’s why it’s especially important to stay active and keep your muscles and joints flexible after the age of fifty. But which sports are best to do once you’ve passed 50? Which sports can you do without the risk of injuries?

Have you (almost) never exercised? No problem, it’s never too late to start. At bbb, we offer sports that are perfect for all those over 50, whether you’re a beginner or more advanced:

Strength Training

Strength training is an ideal sport for those over 50. By building and maintaining muscle strength, you reduce the risk of injuries. Additionally, it helps you continue performing daily activities and chores, such as lifting groceries and gardening.

Two to three strength training sessions per week can work wonders: it compensates for progressive muscle loss and keeps the bones strong. Strength training is also highly recommended for women going through menopause.

Een vrouw in de overgang is een kracht workout aan het doen bij bbb health boutique Amsterdam.

Tips for strength training:

  • Start with bodyweight exercises.
  • Gradually increase the weights.
  • Focus on performing the exercises correctly to avoid injuries.

You will feel increasingly stronger. At bbb, we offer strength classes both in the studio and in the cabin: bbb power. Or follow your own strength program during a personal workout. Our coaches are happy to help!


When it comes to keeping your body flexible, there is no better sport than yoga. You can do it at bbb both in the cabin and in the studio! Here you can read more about our classes.

Benefits of yoga:

  • It trains both strength and mobility and balance.
  • Yoga helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation.
  • It is suitable for all levels and can be adapted to your own pace

Any Sport That Makes You Happy

Finally, the most important thing: keep doing what you enjoy. Whether it’s pilates, yoga, or strength training, just keep moving!

Why enjoyment is important:

  • Exercise can do wonders for your mental health—if you enjoy it.
  • It contributes to a good mood.
  • Doing a sport you really like motivates you to keep moving.

Stay active, discover new interests, and enjoy every movement. Your health and well-being will thank you!

Additional Benefit: Exercising in Heat

Unique to bbb is that you can train in a hot cabin: an effective and enjoyable workout. The heat makes training extra relaxing, stimulates fat burning, and there is virtually no risk of injuries.

You can find us in Amsterdam (Jordaan & Amstel), Delft, The Hague, Haarlem, Tilburg, Utrecht, Rotterdam & Den Bosch. Check here for info on each boutique and book a free hot cabin trial lesson!

A strong woman at bbb health boutique, the holistic women's gym with coaching.

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