With the foundation recover, recovery plays an important role in your life. Sufficient and good sleep and exercise within your possibilities are points of attention during this period.
Plan body | recover
If you suffer from physical complaints first make an appointment with the bbb physiotherapist to receive specific advice.
- Choose for your personal workout in the hot cabin a revalidation programme | 2 times a week.
- Studio or cabin class (hot)yoga or (hot) pilates, depending on your physical possibilities | Once a week.
- Yin or restorative yoga | once a week.
Frequency of exercise and tips
Exercising with physical complaints or limitations is easy to do at bbb. The hot cabin is perfect for exercising in a responsible manner! Exercise 3 times a week at a medium intensity.
Plan food | recover
Give your rehabilitation priority and plan a foodcoaching or make an appointment with the dietitian for personal nutrition advice aimed at recovery.
Plan mind | recover
Give your rehabilitation priority and plan a lifestylecoaching in or make an appointment with bbb psychology to receive personal advice aimed at recovery.