Gym for women in Amsterdam and Utrecht

bbb is a holistic gym for women in Amsterdam and Utrecht. Living a healthy, happy, conscious and energetic life takes more than a regular visit to the gym. Body, food and mind are inextricably linked, which is why our approach is holistic and personal.

Hot cabin workouts

We are a women’s gym with coaching where you can work on your health and a healthy mindset in a targeted way. We offer yoga, Pilates, HIIT, TRX and food & lifestyle coaching. Unique to bbb are the workouts in heat. Effective 30 minute pilates, HIIT, yoga and power workouts in the hot cabin. Working out in the heat is good for the circulation, is nice for the muscles and has a cleansing effect. Above all, it is wonderfully relaxing!

Unique to bbb are the workouts in heat. Effective 30 minute pilates, HIIT, yoga and power workouts in the hot cabin.

Why a women’s gym with a focus on body, food & mind?

Regular exercise and healthy eating creates a clearer mind and more happy feelings. Conversely, a positive attitude to life automatically leads to a more active life, a healthier diet, and more exercise. In other words: everything is connected.

Every body is different and that’s why everyone trains at bbb with a personal sports programme. You can focus on certain zones (such as stomach & waist or legs & buttocks), but we also vary the intensity and weight of your workout. bbb offers affordable personal training for every woman in every phase of her life. We regularly measure your body to see if you are achieving your goals and adjust your workouts if necessary.

We also take a close look at your eating habits. After filling in a food diary you will receive personal advice, tailored to your needs. It may be that you want to lose weight. But becoming stronger, having more energy or reducing intestinal complaints can also be goals. We take small steps towards healthier nutrition that suits you. Moreover, we have a wide range of food tools that help you on your way. bbb does not believe in one vision of nutrition, so we have many different nutrition programs. No complicated diets, but fine healthy food tailored to you.

Besides body & food advice, we also give attention to the mind. Because even if you exercise regularly and eat healthy, with lots of stress, a negative mood or a bad night’s sleep you still won’t feel good. Our mind tools give you tools to reduce stress, sleep better or improve your mood.

Every woman is different and has her own needs. That is why we have different programs that suit every goal and every phase:


bbb is for every woman

Every woman is different and has her own needs. That is why we have different programs that suit every goal and every phase:

  • Shape: you would like to become sustainably healthy and fit in a holistic way. We make sure you feel healthy and fit, every season.
  • Slim: you want to stay healthy and lose weight in a sustainable way. At bbb we coach you on body, food & mind.
  • Mama to be: you are pregnant and would like to stay healthy and fit during this period. At bbb we guide expectant mothers and you can continue to exercise until the end of your pregnancy.
  • Mom: you’re like a mother and you want to stay fit and healthy. At bbb we offer great workouts for post-pregnancy and holistic coaching.
  • Menopause: you are in menopause or preparing for this phase. At bbb we have developed special workouts, food & coaching tools for this.
  • Rehabilitation:: you have injuries and/or health problems. You would like to continue exercising in a targeted manner or to strengthen yourself. At bbb, our physiotherapists and coaches are happy to support you.

Curious about sports in a heat cabin? Do you want to be coached in changing your lifestyle? Do you want to become fitter, stronger, more relaxed, slimmer or healthier? We coach you! Schedule your free trial lesson here.

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