mini meditations

completely reset your mindset

Do you know mini meditations? By taking a break from your daily activities you increase your awareness and you can look at emotions, behavior and thoughts with more distance. It provides the perfect opportunity to take a break, get out of the rollercoaster, take a deep breath and reconnect with yourself. And the good thing is …. everyone has a minute.

One minute meditations

How do you do it? Find a comfortable sitting position. It doesn’t matter whether you are at home, in the office, outside or in your parked car. Close your eyes for a moment and focus on your breathing. Just by taking a minute of breath, you check in with yourself and calm your body and mind.
You can now calmly follow your breath, or if you are very restless you can count the breath. By making your exhalation a little longer, you calm your central nervous system. Yes can also do a body scan.
By connecting fully with yourself, you will find yourself making decisions more easily, improving your concentration and increasing your energy.

At these moments you get even more out of ‘one minute meditations’

1. When you wake up: sit down or your bed and set an intention for the day.
2. Before your workout: get more out of your workout by increasing your body awareness.
3. For a difficult situation: stay closer to yourself and stay out of escalations by listening to yourself.
4. If you experience stress: stay out of a burnout by regularly making a minute of space for what is bothering you and looking at it mildly.
5. If you are going to write something: increase your creativity by connecting with your subconscious mind.
6. Before you eat: activate your senses and enjoy your food more.
7. Before going to sleep: Sleep deeper and more peacefully by slowing down your mind and body before going to sleep.

Guided meditations

Especially in the beginning it is quite difficult to meditate. Fortunately, there are now hundreds of guided meditation apps that can get you started. Such as, for example, Headspace, Calm or Insight timer. Search for ‘one minute meditation’ or ‘3 minute meditation’ for inspiration.