Sugar-free menu

Sugar is in many foods. Not only in all cookies, sweets, cakes and soft drinks, but also in, for example, breakfast cereals, spreads, dairy drinks and diet products. On average, we eat about 40 kilos of sugar per person per year. Sugar is not good for our body, according to several studies. bbb shares a sugar-free menu, tasty and also healthy! Our sugar-free daily menu consists of breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Start the day with a (preferably boiled water that has cooled down a bit) glass of water with lemon. Did you know that lemon is also called a superfood? It is packed with vitamins B and C, copper, iron, magnesium and fiber.

Of course, a glass of lemon water is not enough for breakfast. To start the sugar-free daily menu well, you can opt for an oatmeal porridge with nuts, fruits, seeds and superfoods or an acai bowl. As a snack, fruits, vegetables or nuts are tasty and healthy.

acai_bowl sugarfree


The sugar-free daily menu continues with lunch. In the Netherlands we are always inclined to eat a cold lunch, but a warm lunch is actually better. It gives you more energy, so you can go back to it for the rest of the day. So take a nice large cup of fresh (hearty) soup, in combination with a salad. If you don’t feel like something warm, opt for rice cakes (corn, quinoa, buckwheat, millet) with toppings. Think of avocado, hummus, pesto or a vegetable spread.


We conclude the sugar-free daily menu with a meal full of vegetables. For example, go for a nice soup or whole wheat spelled couscous with pumpkin and spinach. Or take a BBMG, also called basil, broccoli, macaroni and vegetable. A delicious oven meal full of good ingredients. Do you fancy risotto? Take, for example, a buckwheat risotto with mushrooms.

If you are still really hungry after dinner, you can opt for fruit or nuts. But make sure you don’t eat after 8 pm. For more inspiration, take a look at our recipes page. Here you will find recipes that are suitable for a sugar-free daily menu. Do you want a food coaching? Make an appointment for a trial and we can show you what our coaching entails.

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