The team

Our team has a passion for body, food & mind, and motivates you to be the healthiest version of yourself. Meet the people behind the boutiques, our coaches, trainers, physiotherapists, dietitians and psychologists.



Boutique manager & orthomolecular therapist
Over Anouk

Anouk is an exercise and lifestyle consultant with broad experience in orthomolecular health science. She likes to motivate people with her energy and enthusiasm. Helping people to a lifestyle that makes them fit, but also makes them happy is the most important starting point, according to her.



Boutique assistent & dancer
Over Elissa

Elissa is a professional dancer. After completing her dance training in Australia, Elissa worked for 22 years with The Internationaal Danstheater in Amsterdam. She also spent many years training with the Gyrotonics System. A training method based on the principles of yoga, dance, tai chi and swimming.



Over Bodile

Being a qualified nutritionist Bodile has also studied orthomolecular health science and has experience with energy complaints, intestinal problems and hormonal disbalance. With her positive and energetic approach she motivates women to strive for a healthy lifestyle and to become the best version of themselves!



Over Eva

Eva is a performer and teacher dancer and later developed further in the field of Pilates, Barre, and as a Nutrition Coach. In addition to her work at BBB, she works at where she coaches members online, helps create new productions and writes blogs.



Coach & dietician
Over Fleur

Fleur has studied nutrition and diet with an emphasis on coaching. 'Allowing women to see their strengths is my mission. A lifestyle that gives you energy, with the correct exercise, nutrition and enough relaxation is the essence. This ensures that you can do what makes you happy! For everyone this is different and also changes with the time. Exchanging thoughts and ideas with others is half the fun!'



Coach & nutritional scientist
Over Josefien

Josefien is a nutritional scientist and lifestyle coach. 'Everyday I am amazed at the functioning, complexity and coherence of our well-being, happiness and our health. I believe that every complaint or imbalance is ultimately your body's way of communicating with you what it needs. However, the trick is to take the time to want and dare to listen to this. Guiding this process with lifestyle as medicine is something that gives me a lot of energy'



Coach & naturopathic therapist
Over Joyce

Joyce is a dance teacher and naturopathic therapist. As a dance teacher, she knows that body and mind are connected is and how important it is to pay attention to this. If naturopathic therapist she is able to help people to guide them physically, mentally and spiritually search for their own healing power from the core.



Over Romy

As an Holistic Coach, Romy is fascinated by the female body, wisdom and creative power. With her love for the Ayurvedic philosophy, she is daily involved in awareness, breathwork, yoga and nutrition. She thinks it's great to look for balance between body and mind together so that connection is created.



Over Roos

Roos is an actress and holistic coach at bbb Amstel and Jordaan. She is driven to create one from softness healthy lifestyle, in which self-care is central.



Coach & yoga teacher
Over Theresia

Theresia is a yoga teacher and studies Nutrition and Dietetics, to turn her passion for healthy food and lifestyle into her job. Balance between nutrition, exercise and relaxation is central to her. Her mission is to make you feel healthy, happy and energetic, in the way that suits you best!



Over Martine

Martine works as a physiotherapist and is also a human movement scientist. She has a broad knowledge of the human body, is experienced in making training programmes and in revalidation after an operation or sport injury.

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