The team

Our team has a passion for body, food & mind, and motivates you to be the healthiest version of yourself. Meet the people behind the boutiques, our coaches, trainers, physiotherapists, dietitians and psychologists.



Over Adrienne

Adrienne is a fire artist and a holistic health coach. In her practice, she enjoys working with women, making her a perfect fit for bbbhealthboutique Rotterdam. With 20 years of experience as a movement and nutrition expert, Adrienne finds the most fulfillment in creating healing experiences for others. She loves bringing people together with a focus on joy, connection, and self-discovery.



Over Demy

Demy's passion for sports began after she completely transformed her own lifestyle a few years ago. With a background in psychology, she understands how a healthy lifestyle positively impacts our mental well-being. She hopes to share this passion with you by giving it her all during classes and, of course, always being open to meaningful, open conversations.



Over Liset

Lisette is a bbb entrepreneur and also works as a coach. She believes in sustainable lifestyle changes, and she knows that this starts with small steps and creating balance. She gets her energy from helping others and her mission is to make you feel good in your own skin, both physically and mentally.”



Over Manon

Manon is a personal trainer with a background in psychology. Sport has helped her find balance both physically and mentally, and now she enjoys using her experiences to help others do the same. She gains tremendous energy from teaching and guiding others toward a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, she's always open to a conversation in the boutique!



Over Mathilda

“Mathilda teaches our fine yoga classes. Mathilda safely combines the traditions of yoga and mindfulness, together with her contemporary knowledge of anatomy and fitness. She’ll gently allows you to get in touch with yourself, with her knowledge, enthusiasm, and attention to your breathing.”



bbb coach and diëtician
Over Merel

In addition to her knowledge about nutrition as a dietitian, Merel enjoys getting people to move. What could be more fun than exercising together! Merel believes in a positive approach, where every little bit helps. With her positive energy, she hopes to motivate many of you to become the best version of yourself! Nothing is better than feeling good and fit in your own skin. And Merel is happy to help you with that!



Over Rosa

In addition to being a bbb coach, Rosa also works as a boxing trainer and self-employed vitality therapist. She enjoys teaching active classes and focuses her coaching on the search for a life that suits you, where body and mind are inseparable!



Pilates docent
Over Sara

“Sara has been working for bbb since May 2021 and is a trained Pilates instructor. She is committed to giving you the space to grow into the best version of yourself. Sara loves teaching different classes at bbb and brings extra depth to the Pilates class. She is currently taking a post-graduate course in professional coaching to gain more insight into herself and others. In addition, Sara enjoys cooking, sports and dancing.”



Over Susana

“Susana is a coach at bbb Rotterdam, as well as an independent coach, trainer, and mentor with a focus on a healthier lifestyle and empowerment of women. She is a schooled dancer, expert in breathing techniques, meditation and holistic healthcare for women. Susana understands the body as a multilayered system that you can develop and change from awareness”

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